[PlanetCCRMA] major corruption

R Parker rtp405 at yahoo.com
Tue May 30 14:23:01 PDT 2006

> You don't say but I presume this is on Fedora Core
> 3?

> What is the history of the machine? New install?
> Testing? 

It's a production machine that's been running Planet
CCRMA on FC3 for over a year.

>Exactly which kernel is failing and how?

I don't know the exact kernel version numbers;
2.6.12???. It's whatever the latest is from Planet

 What about the subject,
> are you saying that
> data got corrupted?

Booting into the Planet CCRMA kernel fails to load
eth,  USB, and alot of other stuff. Alsasound can't
start because snd_usb_audio doesn't load. Booting into
2.6.9-1.667 results in all the appropriate modules
being loaded.

> -- Fernando
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