[PlanetCCRMA] fc5/pccrma gui midifile player
nigel henry
cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Tue May 30 13:11:01 PDT 2006
On Tuesday 30 May 2006 18:04, M P Smoak wrote:
> Is there a gui midifile player included or planned in the fc5/pccrma
> applications? I would hope it had play, stop, pause, fast-forward
> and fast-backup at least.
> Marv
Hi Marv. I don't like suggesting this, but if you're using KDE, Kmid sort of
works, but I've found is sailing pretty close to the wind, and crashes for no
apparent reason.
There appears to be a serious lack of midi players. Those that are on various
sites are ancient, and no longer maintained.
TiMidity does work for midi files, but I don't think that Fernando has it
packaged up for FC5 yet. No, I've just had a look on Yumex, and it ain't
there. On earlier versions of FC, planetccrma's TiMidity did not have a GTK
UI, apart from the ncurses one, which is terrible. My workaround in the case
of FC2 was to install TiMidity from http://timidity.sourceforge.net/ . You
will have to get from the Internet, the GUS (Gravis Ultrasound) patches for
it. "gus patches" in Google should find a patch set. It comes with an
insruments directory, and a config file. When you install the source file for
TiMidity, it should create a directory in /usr/local/share named timidity.
Put the instruments directory in there. The timidity.cfg file goes in /etc .
To start it from the desktop, right click on the desktop, create new/file/link
to application. On the "General" page name it TiMidity, browse for the icon,
which is in, depending where you have downloaded it, and unpacked it to,
TiMidity++-2.13.2/interface/pixmaps. Moving to the "Application" page, the
command to start it with the GTK UI is, /usr/local/bin/timidity -ig .
OK'ing this should put you an icon on the desktop, and clicking on this will
bring up a pretty basic GUI for TiMidity, where you can open midi files, set
up playlists, etc.
If I've missed anything, which is quite possible, please post back.
On FC2 I used the planetccrma GUS patches with the tarball install. I had to
shuffle the instruments directory, and config file around a bit, but the
patches I found on the Internet, but havn't tried, are the Goemon ones.
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