[PlanetCCRMA] Running a Dell Inspiron 8100 on a Planet DAW

andersvi at extern.uio.no andersvi at extern.uio.no
Sun May 21 12:18:01 PDT 2006

Have used a Dell inspiron 5150 heavily for all kinds of uses for
around 2 years.

L> What version of FC are you running?

FC1, FC2, FC3, FC5

L> Did your version of FC and Planet install without a hitch and run well?

Dont remember FC1, but FC2 & 3 were easy.

Mostly.  Installing FC5 and planet-repos went fine, but had to do
first upgrade with disabling the planetccrma-* repositories.
Afterwards upgrading went fine with planetccrma enabled.

L> What tweaking was necessary?

Apart from the standards which greets you on the first page about
installing planetccrma.  I used to use nvidias driverset to get
access to dual-monitor setup etc., but havent installed it for

L> Did it recognize the built in sound card?


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