[PlanetCCRMA] yum: kernel SRPMS

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed May 17 11:56:05 PDT 2006

On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 10:48 -0700, bernie arai wrote:
> i've just tried upgrading (well, fresh install) to FC5 (very exciting!
> thanks fernando) and am in the process of getting the planet set up.
> things look good so far, but i'm very new to YUM and don't yet
> undertand the differences between it and APT, which i was just getting
> comfortable with.
> my current goal is getting the MADWIFI driver working, i think i need
> the kernel source to build the driver on the ccrma kernel.  i think i
> remember the URL for the APT sources location, does it work the same
> with YUM?

You should be able to get the kernel development package with:
  yum install kernel-devel-`uname -r`
(assuming you are booted into the kernel you want to work with)

The source rpm packages are here (but I think you should not need them):

-- Fernando

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