[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Running a Dell Inspiron 8100 on a Planet DAW

Matt Barber brbrofsvl at gmail.com
Tue May 16 12:57:00 PDT 2006


I am not running an Inspiron 8100, but an Inspiron 8200, just fine.  So far
the only problems that I've faced have been in heavy disk-streaming
situations, where I'm playing multiple soundfiles through pd or some such.
I'm currently using Fedora Core 3 with the planet setup; nearly everything
here is slick and enjoyable.  It does recognize the onboard sound here
(intel8x0), but it's not the best by far.  In the next couple of weeks I'm
going to be helping a buddy install FC3 on his 8100, so I can let you know
how it turns out -- on the 8200, I remember having to install in text-mode
because the xorg drivers for the video card (nvidia) didn't work during the
install.  I can't remember if they worked after the install, but the nvidia
drivers work great.


Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 23:24:48 +0000
> From: LinuxMedia <linuxmedia4 at netscape.net>
> To: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Subject: [PlanetCCRMA] Running a Dell Inspiron 8100 on a Planet DAW
> Greetings,
> I spent several days looking through the Plant archives and then googled
> for laptops that run on a Planet setup. The only two that seemed to come
> up are the Sharp MV12W and the Dell Inspiron 8100. And I believe the
> only post about the Dell Inspiron 8100 was from an FC post. Right now I
> can't find a used Sharp MV12W so I will ask about the Dell Inspiron
> 8100...
> Could anyone running Planet CCRMA on a Dell Inspiron 8100 tell me the
> following:
> What version of FC are you running?
> Did your version of FC and Planet install without a hitch and run well?
> What tweaking was necessary?
> I know built in sound cards are notorious for sounding bad, but I just
> need this laptop so I can get out of the apartment while I test apps and
> put together my Planet DAW. My "production" PC will be at home. I also
> probably can't afford an Audio Interface at this time. Did it recognize
> the built in sound card?
> Any response to this post would be appreciated. I'm a bit nervous
> because I had to sell some things to buy a laptop and I just need it to
> work.
> Thanks,
> Rocco
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