[PlanetCCRMA] Running a Dell Inspiron 8100 on a Planet DAW

LinuxMedia linuxmedia4 at netscape.net
Mon May 15 20:25:03 PDT 2006


I spent several days looking through the Plant archives and then googled 
for laptops that run on a Planet setup. The only two that seemed to come 
up are the Sharp MV12W and the Dell Inspiron 8100. And I believe the 
only post about the Dell Inspiron 8100 was from an FC post. Right now I 
can't find a used Sharp MV12W so I will ask about the Dell Inspiron 8100...

Could anyone running Planet CCRMA on a Dell Inspiron 8100 tell me the 

What version of FC are you running?

Did your version of FC and Planet install without a hitch and run well?

What tweaking was necessary?

I know built in sound cards are notorious for sounding bad, but I just 
need this laptop so I can get out of the apartment while I test apps and 
put together my Planet DAW. My "production" PC will be at home. I also 
probably can't afford an Audio Interface at this time. Did it recognize 
the built in sound card?

Any response to this post would be appreciated. I'm a bit nervous 
because I had to sell some things to buy a laptop and I just need it to 


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