[PlanetCCRMA] qarecord

nigel henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Tue May 9 09:41:02 PDT 2006

On Tuesday 09 May 2006 17:24, Chris Howard wrote:
> I've loaded up my new hardware with FC4 and planetccrma.
> (dell E510, M-Audio Delta 44)
> It looks like qarecord is no longer a delivered app.
> Do you all have suggestions for a simple recording app?
> Chris
> chris at yipyap.com

Hi Chris. You could use Time Machine. It does save files in a bit of an odd 
format, but you can save as .wav. the command for it that I have on the 
desktop link to application is
/usr/bin/timemachine -f wav  .

Personally I have been using Mhwaveedit. https://gna.org/projects/mhwaveedit/ 

It is a tarball install, and needs libsnd-devel, and libsamplerate-devel 
installed, also if you want to use it's MP3 features you need Lame installed, 
which you can get from the Dag Wieers repo, which should be in 
your /etc/apt/sources.list  .

Tip: If you use it and want to save .wav's as .ogg, go to "Effects/Convert 
Sample Format" and select the sample type as 16 bit PCM, then just OK it, 
don't use apply, as I had problems with that. Then just save as, and 
select .ogg.

All the best. Nigel.

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