[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora Extras

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat May 6 15:21:01 PDT 2006

On Sat, 2006-05-06 at 12:25 -0700, Anthony Green wrote:
> Hi Fernando,
> 	Andy Shevchenko submitted jack-audio-connection-kit to Fedora Extras
> for review a few weeks ago.  I didn't see much happening on the
> PlanetCCRMA FC5 front, so I subsequently submitted a collection of audio
> apps: http://people.redhat.com/green/FE/FC5/ .  These are virtually all
> updates of your PlanetCCRMA packages (updated upstream sources, spec
> files changes for FE compatibility, etc). 

Oh well, he/you could have copied me, I guess. I _am_ actively working
on packages, same thing (new versions, etc, etc). Which spec files have
you worked on?

Furthermore, I've been emailing with Greg DeKoenigsberg (he's part of
the Fedora Extras steering committee) and he set up a mailing list of
people interested in getting Planet CCRMA to be a part of Extras... you
could also take a look there. 

> 	A few months ago there was a discussion on this list about moving some
> packages from PlanetCCRMA to Extras.  I took the JACK submission as a
> cue and started submitting.

Sigh, I was not aware that Jack had already been submitted. 

I have been terribly busy ('till last weekend) and just now I'm having
some time to restart work on this. 

> 	I believe there's a group of people interested in helping maintain
> audio apps in Extras.  What is your position on this now?  

No problem at all. The more people that participate the better. It'd be
nice to be aware of what's happening. 

> 	I just read your recent post about starting to work on the FC5
> PlanetCCRMA.  If I may be so bold, why not use this opportunity to push
> apps/libraries into FE, while maintaining the custom kernel in
> PlanetCCRMA?  The Extras contributor infrastructure is stable and easy
> to use.  There's also been discussion of creating an Audio SIG for
> Extras (with our own list, wiki site, etc).  What do you think?

As I said, no problem. But I would appreciate if people don't reinvent
the wheel and create specs from scratch given that they are available
from Planet CCRMA (and I have worked on them for so long). I have to
become a member myself of Extras contributors and was hoping to do that
"real soon now". 

-- Fernando

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