[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Laptop configuration

Jonathan Segel jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com
Fri Mar 31 15:55:02 PST 2006

On Mar 31, 2006, at 12:00 PM, planetccrma-request at ccrma.Stanford.EDU  
> I asked about laptop configurations about 2 weeks ago, but I may have
> been a little too technical.
> If you use Plant CCRMA on a laptop could I just ask you
> a) what laptop?

i have been running planet ccrma on a sharp mv12w, pentium 3,  
1.16ghz, 768MB ram for a few years now.

> b) what sound card?

rme multiface + cardbus most of the time. also works well with the  
intel 810 built in (though it sounds like crap) and an indigoIO  
cardbus also.

> c) would you recommend it?

i would, although it's getting a bit old? sure would be nice to get a  
newer processor and have some more ram, but hell, i perform with this  
combo running it as high as it will go cpu-wise using the mixer for  
the rme, routing many ins and outs to supercollider, freqtweak,  
zynaddsubfx, hydrogen and occaisonally jackrack, sooperlooper, alsa  
modular synth and seq24, and it handles it. amazing.

a few notes i have: for me the best combination of laptop vs audio  
has been fc3. i started with fc1, it was tough to get that ccrma  
kernel built to use the wireless card. fc3 has a very useable audio  
system (very few xruns, usually only when launching apps) while  
maintaining power management and wireless/internet features  
simultaneously. although it boots getting ip info on eth0 (the  
wireless) it loses it again and i have to manually do ifconfig.
fc4 on the other hand seems to mess with the audio functionality of  
the kernel greatly when any acpi stuff is on. in order to use audio  
in fc4 here i have to turn off a bunch of services.

Jonathan Segel                 4014 Brookdale Ave. Oakland, CA 94619
jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com <-----> magsatellite at yahoo.com

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