[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Laptop configuration

Kenneth aisforatom at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 13:40:02 PST 2006


    I don't think that I can be very helpful with any technical details
but I suppose that a superficial answer is better than none at all.

    I used to run Fedora Core 4 i386 on an AMD64 3200+ laptop. However
things got busy at uni, so I didn't have time to work up my linux
skills, so I've dropped it for now.
    I've used Edirol's UA-5 and now the UA-25 with CCRMA and it's
working pretty well for my basic requirements. Both sound cards are very
alike. It's usb and they support two modes of operation with only the
standard one working (for me anyways) on linux. Standard meaning 16 bit
44.1 kHz duplex. No higher resolutions will work and no midi (through
the UA-25).
    I've used the UA-25 with Ardour, mixing an 11-track recording, with
very good results and also with Pure Data (both running through Jack)
with seemingly only hardware based latency, but that's not really to do
with the sound cards, though.
    So for basic standard use both soundcards are decent. Be adviced
though that if you use the phantom power on the UA-25 there is a nasty
high pitched bleed from the usb power supply at 12k. I don't know if
this applies to the UA-5 as well, since that runs on an external power
     But none the less I would recommend the UA-25 for its price,
compact design and decent playback sound.

    Hope that was helpful.


planetccrma-request at ccrma.Stanford.EDU wrote:

>I asked about laptop configurations about 2 weeks ago, but I may have 
>been a little too technical.
>If you use Plant CCRMA on a laptop could I just ask you
>a) what laptop?
>b) what sound card?
>c) would you recommend it?
>Thanks. I want to get one now, but it must work well with Planet CCRMA!!

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