[PlanetCCRMA] No Sound From Rosegarden/FC4

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Mar 27 10:00:02 PST 2006

On Mon, 2006-03-27 at 10:17 +0100, Peter Adamson wrote:
> Many thanks to Fernando for the help getting Planet CCRMA working with 
> my Terratec Aureon Space 7.1. I started from scratch with FC4 and it 
> worked like a charm. Well, almost.
> Rosegarden won't make any sound. I realise that this is a common 
> question, so first let me eliminate the obvious:
> - jack is up and running
> - hydrogen works with jack
> - if I import a hydrogen song into Rosegarden, I can play it from within 
> rosegarden and hear it on my speakers *as* *long* *as* *hydrogen* *is* 
> *running*
> - as you can see from the screen shot, hydrogen and rosegarden are using 
> the same outputs in jack
> - rosegarden reports Midi OK, Audio OK
> All attempts were with midi tracks. I have not recorded any audio yet.

Well, that would seem to be the problem. Rosegarden, when used as a midi
sequencer, will not render sound by itself. You need to connect the midi
tracks to something that will create sound from the midi commands -
probably why things are working when hydrogen is up and running. 

> Sometimes (but not always) when I quit rosegarden, or when I create a 
> new document, I get a dialogue with this message:
> Informational - artsmessage (in title bar)
> Sound Server information message.
> device: default can't be opened for playback (Device or resource busy)
> The sound server will continue, using the null output device.
> Finally, at shutdown time, linux stalls when "Shutting down sound 
> driver" appears on the screen.

Which kernel are you running? ("uname -r" to know). Most probably
something is happening within the kernel that is hanging the sound

-- Fernando

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