[PlanetCCRMA] Just got FC4 working, and installed ccrma 4 OK!! But I downloaded FC5 and going to try that.

wb0fhu at earthlink.net wb0fhu at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 24 19:06:01 PST 2006

I finally got a solution to the libstdc++ issue I wrote about the other day.  The solution was to install EVERYTHING.   Then ran a reboot/update with the ccrma 4, and everything was found, and it all installed nicely.  Really nice job.  I couldn't hear anything when I tried the apps (Rosegarden and Ardour), but I will fight that later. 

So I downloaded the FC5 i386 today, and am now installing it.  It is much smoother, and found my onboard video card, so I can run in higher resolution.  I will wait for CCRMA 5 and download that.  That will give me time to think about Jack...for some reason, I have yet to get any audio out of the sound card, except for playing CDs.  That works fine.  Got any tips where I can get some advice as to how to set up jack to get my Midiman 2x2 Midi interface working with Jack and rosegarden...is there a FC driver for it?

Thanks for all the help, and sorry I'm so slow at this.

Joe Fay
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