[PlanetCCRMA] FC3 vs FC4

Matt Marian matt1 at mattmarian.homelinux.com
Fri Mar 24 05:53:01 PST 2006

Roy Vestal wrote:

> I'm building a new DAW and I'd like to know if FC4 w/Planet CCRMA is 
> stable enough to move to. I'm currently running FC3 on everything 
> (including my DAW) but since I'm building a new one and since FC5 has 
> recently been released, I'd like to upgrade if FC4/CCRMA is as stable 
> as FC3/CCRMA.
> I have a Delta 1010 and plan to run:
> Ardour
> Audacity
> Rosegarden
> Muse
> LAOE (java based editor)
> TIA,
> Roy
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I am seconding jan Depners reply.  Have been running FC4 for about 8 or 
so months , Itel based PIV 3ghz , 2 gig ram, delta 1010/LT
fricken fantastic  :-) using Kernel , 2.6.14-0.10.rrt.rhfc4.ccrma  
(probably not the latest /greatest).  My mother board is not THE best , 
butit is fairly new stock( or was ) and fc4 is very stable , I get great 
latency times (2.3Msec)- It handles my SATA  drives . I have no issues ( 
at least, none that I have have encountered.-yet. ) ardour - works 
great, rosegarden, jamin, all fine
Wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. might take a little tweaking, but not 
a huge amount.  I would go for it.
good luck

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