[PlanetCCRMA] Looking for Laptop Configuration

Charlls Quarra charlls_quarra at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Mar 21 23:46:01 PST 2006

  Since the freebob backend was just commited to jack cvs, I would begin to consider seriously a firewire interface for linux. usb audio is in general not very reliable, with the exception of the least demanding usages, so it would be dependant on your usage, so, it wouldn't work "really well"

pga123 at ntlworld.com escribió:

I want to get a laptop and use a usb sound card to do CD quality 
sound. (maybe single input, maybe more, not sure...) Also a usb 
midi interface.

Is there anyone using a laptop/external sound combination that 
works really well that would recommend it?

On the other hand is there any laptop with decent on board sound, 
or is the usb solution the only route?

Any and all advice welcome.



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