[PlanetCCRMA] interesting apps

PMG p_m_groarke at yahoo.ca
Fri Mar 17 00:08:01 PST 2006

Well Buzztard is in a pretty early state, and actually
seems dead. I've just got a look at frinika and will
try it asap. It looks really nice and usefull. I'll be
checking it out. For Buzz, I've simply reinstalled
windows, it's such a powerful tool (Buzz... not
windows) lol. See ya, thanks for the info!

> I haven't seen these Planet-relevant apps mentioned,
> so perhaps people 
> aren't aware of them (but my apologies to those who
> are): Frinika [1] (a 
> "music workstation") and Buzztard [2] (a music
> production environment meant 
> as a replacement for Buzz).
> 1. http://frinika.com/
> 2. http://buzztard.org/

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