[PlanetCCRMA] Hydrogen upgrades

Tracey Hytry shakti at bayarea.net
Mon Mar 13 20:36:00 PST 2006

On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 14:16:16 -0600
Link Swanson <link at sumerianbabyl.com> wrote:

> I just purchased the Rhythm Galaxy 
> <http://soniccharger.com/?action=catalogueViewItem&category=4&id=RGALAXY1&skip=0> 
> sample set, which includes a 256-sample .h2drumkit file, but the current 
> CCRMA hydrogen is version 0.9.2, which only supports 32-sample drumkits. 
> I can't load the Rhythm Galaxy drumkit until I upgrade to 0.9.4-devel, 
> which uses QT4. Also, 0.9.3 is a bugfix release, so I'd like to at least 
> upgrade to that.
> What is the best way to go about this? Can I get 0.9.3 or 0.9.4-devel 
> from the planet via apt-get?

A fyi,

I just looked at my local build directory and noticed that version 0.9.3 was in there.  Looks like I built it about the time the version was anounced.  It compiled well from source under FC3 and seems to run fine with jack, etc.  On fedora3 it seems like an easy upgrade.


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