[PlanetCCRMA] general soundfont questions

Tom Poe tompoe at fngi.net
Thu Mar 9 06:30:02 PST 2006

Luis Garrido wrote:

>On 3/9/06, Tom Poe <tompoe at fngi.net> wrote:
>>I got all inspired after being introduced to lead sheets and playing
>>piano, today.  I'm pretty sure I can set up vkeybd, Rosegarden4, Jack,
>>and QSynth? to learn how to play chords using my PC keyboard.  Somebody
>>stop me, if that's a ridiculous claim.
>A PC keyboard may let you play simple melodies, but due to technical
>constrains it is strange that it will recognize more than two keys
>pressed at a time, so it is highly unlikely that you can play three or
>four note chords.
>If you are genuinely interested a good start could be buying a cheap
>Casio or Yamaha keyboard with some builtin sounds, then you don't need
>even a computer, but be sure it has midi or usb connection so you can
>use midi software as well.
>You can find soundfonts in sf2midi.com.
Luis:  Thanks for the reality check!  If I kept going, I would surely 
have blown myself up like Wile E. Coyote on the roadrunner cartoons.  :)

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