[PlanetCCRMA] new kernels for fc4/fc5

Dan Easley daneasley at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 08:16:02 PDT 2006

On 7/28/06, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 22:02 +0200, Bert Visser wrote:
> > I tried it this morning and the strange thing was that it didn't work
> > when using Yumex (the same error about the kernel being older than the
> > installed one) but it did work from the command line.
> I did not try yumex, maybe that also needs to be patched? Weird...

I successfully used yumex to get the new kernel.  As I'm bravely
mixing repositories, I had to keep atrpm's alsa-driver (which is
1.0.12-49_rc1.fc5.at rather than 1.0.11-1.rhfc5.ccrma) out of the
queue;  also, cmn-clisp conflicted with clisp-2.39-2.fc5.rpm, so I had
to remove that newer version of clisp from the queue as well.

Previous kernel update, I did not keep at's alsa out of the queue,
which resulted in a system which appeared to work but did not properly
send/receive audio to/from my soundcard (a tascam us122).  I'm not
sure how I was allowed to hose the system thusly; but this latest
update fixed it.

daneasley at gmail.com
dan at towndowner.com dan at burntpossum.com
http://towndowner.com http://burntpossum.com

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