[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [PlanetCCRMANews] yummy fix to installing planetccrma-core-* packages on fc5

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Jul 19 18:37:00 PDT 2006

On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 20:47 -0300, Diogo Baeder wrote:
> At last, I tried Ubuntu, that one based on Debian. Beautifull. Perfect. 
> Everything ran fine, and the most succesfull concerning to 
> easy-utilization resources. Now, past a week doing my updates just fine 
> (including the SMP kernel, NVIDIA and Xgl/Compiz), I just have to get my 
> hands on a low-latency kernel, so that I can use Ardour with my M-Audio 
> Audiophile 2496 and try to leave Windows (ARGH!!!!!) for good!
> So, I'd like to ask you: is there any chance you or your team can 
> develop a Planet CCRMA version for Ubuntu, in the future? I know that 
> there was, once, a guy that developed a low-latency kernel for 
> Debian-based distros, but he left the project, and there's no support 
> for it anymore.

Debian is a completely different thing (with regards to packaging) so
the chance of that happening is very very near zero. Sorry. I can't even
keep up with Fedora... :-(

-- Fernando

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