[PlanetCCRMA] more questions. . . .

Brian Heinrich manager at ckxu.com
Sat Jul 1 15:22:03 PDT 2006

It's becoming clear that people here would rather spend money on a 
Windows licence and monolithic Windows apps than make the switch to 
Linux -- because they're familiar with Doze and apparently have brains 
that are full and are incapable of taking in any additional knowledge.

This means that there are some issues that I need to address:

1.  I don't recall if I had to do this before doing the re-install, but 
every time I boot into Linux, I find myself running alsaconf in order to 
get MIDI.

2.  That alsamixer doesn't save state is an irritant.  Fernando had 
suggested that 'alsactl store' 'will store the current (not necessarily 
the right) settings of the card - in the /etc/asound.conf file.'  Could 
someone clarify this?  FWIU, it would mean that we wouldn't have to run 
alsamixer or envy24control every time someone boots into Linux.

3.  While I'm more interested in Ardour than Audacity, that seems to be 
the one most people are interested in -- perhaps because they know it 
'cos it has some penetration in the Windows world.  However, Audacity 
takes about 10 seconds to launch (as opposed to Ardour's two seconds) 
and there's about a three-second delay between pressing play and getting 
playback.  Is this something that could be addressed through oss2jack?

4.  I was delighted with the sound quality of ALSA that I was getting 
through Ardour, but less than impressed by the OSS sound of Audacity.  
There's no GUI way to change it to use ALSA, but I'm wondering about 
editing ~.audacity to so that the input device is /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c and 
the playback device is /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p.  Is that doable?

I apologise for all the questions, but I believe it really is in our 
best interests to make the transition from Windows to Linux . . . and to 
do so sooner rather than later. . . .


Brian Heinrich <manager at ckxu.com>  *  Station Manager  *  CKXU 88.3 FM
[office] 403.329.2180  *  [cell] 403.331.9122  *  <http://ckxu.com/>

Showcasing, enhancing, and promoting southern Alberta's diversity.

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