[PlanetCCRMA] No more heavy metal on fc4

Link Swanson link at sumerianbabyl.com
Fri Jan 27 07:14:02 PST 2006

I'm using FC4 CCRMA Jack-Rack 1.1.4 and I haven't been too impressed 
with the distortions. Please post any configurations or settings that 
make your axe crunch!



BJaY wrote:

>Just installed fc4 + planetccrma, went without a hitch, very slick. BUT, I
>loaded my guitar amp settings into jack-rack (includes Tube preamp
>emulation+tone controls) and the distortions gone all weedy. On full, I get
>a blusey crunch. The control goes up to 10, have the plugins been changed
>recently ? It used to scream big time. I'm back to using my RAT at the
>moment... Any help appreciated.
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