[PlanetCCRMA] mini blocksize card
"Alexander Carôt"
alexander_carot at gmx.net
Tue Jan 24 03:27:02 PST 2006
Hi to all,
within my research goals I'm aiming to have lowest latencies ever. Looking
at typical PC-hardware it's obvious that blocksizes < 128 (sometimes < 64)
are impossible to reach due to the PCI bus with its DMA-transfers.
So - what I thought of was building a "stand alone soundcard" able to handle
such small delays - actually kind of an "expressPCI"-thing.
As a first initial idea I'd like to discuss this topic. If this is too much
"off topic" please let me know where I can find a better place to do this.
Someone pointed to this :
Does it somehow go into this direction ?
Best regards
-- A l e x
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Carôt
Email : Alexander at Carot.de
Tel.: +49 (0)177 5719797
phd-candidate at www.isnm.de
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