[PlanetCCRMA] problem with USB latency (emi 6|2m)

Luis Garrido luisgarrido at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Jan 20 05:08:01 PST 2006

> 2 periods doesn't work (over/underruns -- just confusion ...)
> 3 is working fine but I get a too high input/output latency of 16ms.
> Has anyone experience with this configuration and could help ?

Well, if you consider a 16 ms latency too high perhaps a USB unit is
not what you need, considering that USB adds a communication layer
over the PCI bus. I work comfortably in the range of 15-25 ms, so
didn't bother to push it further.

You may want to have a look at this for some tips:


Good luck and let us know if you succeed.


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