[PlanetCCRMA] Rosegarden4 on fedora 4 x86_64

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jan 3 14:43:01 PST 2006

On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 21:23 +0800, marco.m at westnet.com.au wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have installed the ccrma rosegarden4, jack-audio-connection and
> qsynth on my AMD 64 machine which is running fedora4 x86_64.

All the Planet CCRMA packages are only built (so far) on top of the 32
bit versions of fc... so all bets are off if you try to run them on top
of the 64 bit versions. I have not tried myself...

-- Fernando

> Rosegarden appears to start fine but it is slow and the message "jack
> ... is losing sample frames" appears often. 
> When I started fluidsynth using qsynth the following appeared:
> 21:15:09.877 Qsynth1: Creating synthesizer engine...
> 21:15:10.934 Qsynth1: Loading soundfont:
> "/home/marco/drivers/soundfont_files/harmo5.SF2" (bank offset 0)...
> 21:15:11.712 Qsynth1: Creating audio driver (jack)...
> 21:15:11.715 Qsynth1: Creating MIDI router (alsa_seq)...
> 21:15:11.715 Qsynth1: Creating MIDI driver (alsa_seq)...
> 21:15:11.718 Qsynth1: Creating MIDI player...
> 21:15:11.719 Qsynth1: fluid_synth_program_reset()
> 21:15:11.725 Qsynth1: Synthesizer engine started.
> 21:15:11.726 Qsynth1: fluid_synth_set_gain(1)
> 21:15:11.726 Qsynth1: fluid_synth_set_reverb(0.2,0,0.5,1)
> 21:15:11.726 Qsynth1: fluid_synth_set_chorus(3,2,0.3,8,0)
> fluidsynth: warning: Failed to pin the sample data to RAM; swapping
> is possible.
> When I tried to lsiten to a midi file it appeared but I could not
> hear it being played (as I was able to on an older machine running
> the ccrma kernels on fedora 3 and on the old system no warnings
> appeared.
> My questions are a) Is your software able to be used using the
> standard kernels and b) on a x86_64 system.
> I would appreciate your assistance with this.
> Thanks, 
> Marc
> I am using the standar
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