[PlanetCCRMA] Ima Newbie; can't get through install of FC4, no matter what I do! Help!

Wb0fhu at aol.com Wb0fhu at aol.com
Tue Feb 21 13:03:00 PST 2006

I recently bought the "Linux Bible," which includes an FC4 complete distro  
DVD, and 2 CDs.  My main goal is to create a DAW, that will AT LEAST run  
Rosegarden and Ardour without a lot of gotchas.  
I tried to just do a standard install, to a machine (900mhz Duron,  256MB 
ram, on an Asus MB) on which I'd just successfully installed both Suse 10  and 
Mandriva 2006 (from a magazine).  I only got as far as Anaconda trying  to 
start, then it went to a pure "White screen of death," from which I couldn't  
escape without reboot...Then I tried to do a verbose install (been trying to get  
free of Bill Gates for years, but no serious audio support).  
Long story short: it ended in the same white monster.  Then I tried it  
"noprobe."  Same deal.  Then I tried the one that turns off the probe  only during 
the initial stages.  Same deal.  What oh what can I try  next?  Will some kind 
soul give me some clues as to how to  proceed.  I even tested the integrity 
of the medium...It is fine.   There was only this error message, and only on 
the verbose install:  It  said that there was probably some bug that was causing 
it.  So...I made a  floppy disk of the whole message, and trying now to 
figure out how to get it's  info to the right folks.  Is there some sort of patch 
that I need?   I've got s-l-o-w internet on this Grrrrrrr Gates-based machine, 
so I could  download some small things, and also have a friend with high-speed 
and a CD  burner if that's needed.  I also wonder if there is a problem with 
my old  SB Live Platinum (though it works on Gatesville)...maybe Linux doesn't 
like the  card, though it IS listed in the compatability list for 
linux...later will go to  Delta 1010ls, but hope to at least work out the bugs, get the 
CCRMA stuff  installed, and the whole thing operating.  Am I just dreamin'?
Sorry for the length here, tell me if there is anything else you need to  
Joe, WO0O
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