[PlanetCCRMA] ccrma on gentoo

Charlls Quarra charlls_quarra at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Feb 21 04:20:02 PST 2006

Benjamin Hardy <drycellbattery at yahoo.ca> escribió:    A binary distro is less burdensome, but again that's
just me. I have a hunch though that alot of people
here would prefer sticking to some rpm based. A lot of
people like thier DAWs to just work, without too much

  The level of administration of gentoo once the base system is installed is ridiculous. After i did that, i installed the daw by doing as root;
  emerge ardour 
  that simple command took care of installing;
  x11-xorg, gtk, and everything needed for the ardour gui
  everything else that is a dependency of ardour, or is a dependency of a dependency
  the only problem is that emerge depends of an ebuild file existing for that package in the portage system. But you can write your own ebuilds and setting up a different portage overlay (maybe portage-audio, or portage-ccrma?)

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