[PlanetCCRMA] ccrma on gentoo

Rickey Moore wayward4now at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 19 15:00:25 PST 2006

--- Charlls Quarra <charlls_quarra at yahoo.com.ar> wrote:

>   Hi,
>   I've been following ccrma from a while when i decided to upgrade
> my RH9 system to ccrma. I don't want to start one of these "my
> distro is better than yours" thread, but whatsoever i feel
> compelled to reallly recommend to branch ccrma into gentoo (as an
> alternative to FC5?). If for anything else, the huge management
> benefit of providing a source repository and relaxing the need for
> having to "update" binary packages from time to time. 
>   Supporting ccrma as a gentoo overlay, would require just keeping
> up to date a set of .ebuild script files, meaning that ccrma can
> keep edgy while reducing the burden for the maintainers.
>   I know it's not going to happen any time soon, and it's likely it
> won't happen ever. But maybe if a critical amount of people feel
> the same about this, it could.
>   Thoughts?
> ---------------------------------
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"There are two Great Sins in the world...
   ...the Sin of Ignorance, and 
   ...the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

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