[PlanetCCRMA] Re: From zero to DAW in 2 hours !

Bal Dobe baldobe2000 at yahoo.de
Sun Feb 19 01:57:13 PST 2006

2.6.14-0.10.rrt.rhfc4.ccrma  gives
cdrom open failed
ata3: command timeout stat 0x50 host_Stat 0x24
and then freezes

this gets as far as Welcome to Fedore Core 

and then freezes at
setting hostname localhost.localdomain:  [ok]

boots up to splashscreen

and then when I type init 6 as root I get

[<c0103a51>] syscall_call +0x7/0xb

That is what happened with setting
apm=off acpi=off

I also deleted "rhgb quiet"

-----Original Message-----
From: planetccrma-admin at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
[mailto:planetccrma-admin at ccrma.Stanford.EDU] On Behalf Of Fernando
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2006 11:07 PM
To: Bal Dobe
Cc: 'David Slimp'; planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Subject: RE: [PlanetCCRMA] Re: From zero to DAW in 2 hours !

On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 20:29 +0000, Bal Dobe wrote:
> I tried that as well David.
> I entered those commands in for Kernel  2.6.14-0..rtt.rhfc4.ccrma 
> The machine refused to boot into that.

2.6.14-0.??.rrt which one is it?
-- Fernando

> I then entered it in he normal 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 kernel and I booted
> into it but had the same old error when trying to shut the machine

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