[PlanetCCRMA] pd problem on ccrma
pzuspann at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 17 09:11:02 PST 2006
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I'm running linux fedora core 3 from ccrma - pd and
externals were installed using ccrma rpms. PD version
is 0.37.0-3.cvs.
When trying to use pd objects like fluid~ or sfplay~,
pd crashes whenever I click on a message box with this
pd_gui: pd process exited
Segmentation fault
details of problem:
concerning sfplay~: whenever I click on the message
"open" that I've connected to the 1st inlet, pd
crashes with the error below.
concerning fluid~: whenever I try to open the dsp when
the fluid~ object is present in the patch, pd crashes
with the error below.
Thank you for any help you can give me! -p
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