[PlanetCCRMA] Disillusioned with Linux Audio...

Benjamin Hardy drycellbattery at yahoo.ca
Wed Feb 15 17:52:01 PST 2006

Well, I'm selling off my Maudio Audiophile 192, it's a shame I have to do it, but in hindsight it was a bad financial move to buy it in the first place.
Anyways, I'm considering going back to the Linux world since Windows annoys me so much. Although I prefer Linux and KDE over Windows for desktop use, Windows still has better sound card driver support and applications available. At my school I'm used to using Pro Tools and Reason for all my audio and midi work. It's kinda disheartening to come home to struggle with Linux audio.
A few things I'm wondering is what VST app everyone here uses to run Vst plugins or are they worth the hassle. I've been using some on my windows install with a free app called ComputerMuzys that comes with issues of Computer Music magazine. Does the vst_dssi host work well? Is that what the Studio to Go guys use? I read earlier on that settings in zynaddsubfx couldn't be automated but apps like alsamodularsynth can, is this verified? Can I use something like an Evolution MK-361 controller with it? How do ladspa plugins compare to some vst plugins in terms of quality? Can thier settings be automated in Ardour or Rosegarden? I've also been seduced by Logic 7 that one of my friends has on his powerbook. I'm in quite a pickel over what system and what sofware to use.

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