[PlanetCCRMA] (RESOLVED) frustrated with midi - finding no help

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Tue Feb 14 13:59:02 PST 2006

On Tuesday 14 February 2006 09:56, David Slimp wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who offered some help with this!
> I finally got it figured out! :)
> Fernando (at Planet CCRMA) went above and beyond what I would
> have expected - special thanks to you.
> ... anyway, he ultimately suggested it was some kind of alsa install/config
> problem and asked me for alsa RPM package names on my system.
> Everything looked good, but I decided to pursue this further.
> Ultimately, I think there was some kind of package conflict that wasn't
> showing up as an error anywhere!
> When I originally set up this FC3 system, I was using some various
> apt/yum repositories... one being ATRPMS.  I noticed that a Flac package
> came from there. I knew CCRMA would have it's own flac package, and
> so tried to remove it, but libOggFLAC1 had dependancies... knowing I'd
> install the CCRMA version right away I ignored deps...
> For anyone in the future who has this problem.. here is my history
> of commands (as root):
> # looking for any/all packaged files that might have changed
>  rpm -Va
> # I noticed a couple alsa/sound related file saying "prelink has changed"
> # I got suspicious, and checked one
> rpm -qif /usr/lib/libOggFLAC.so.1.0.2
> # turned out the libOggFLAC package came from ATRPMS, so I decided
> # to remove these, and grab the CCRMA versions to be safe.
> rpm -e flac SDL_sound dosbox --nodeps
> apt-get install flac
> rpm -qif /usr/lib/libOggFLAC.so.1
> rpm -e libOggFLAC1    # failed - lots of dependancies
> rpm -e libOggFLAC1 vorbis-tools  alsaplayer flac-devel libOggFLAC1
> libFLAC++4 libFLAC6 libOggFLAC++0 grip --nodeps
> # make sure we fix anything - get up to date stuff
> apt-get install -f
> # go ahead and find ALL packages from ATRPMS, to be safe
> rpm -qa | grep "\.at"
> # there were MANY, but let's just remove a few alsa/sound ones to start
> rpm -e libsndfile1 mjpegtools libsndfile lame libasound2
> libsndfile-devel --nodeps
> # try to get needed/required packages again
> apt-get install -f    # this failed for some reason (i forget)
> rpm -e mplayer kino dvtitler ffmpeg transcode planetccrma-audiovideoapps
> apt-get install  libsndfile
> apt-get install planetccrma-audiovideoapps
> NOW... after that little bit, I can run kmidimon, muse, qsynth and
> everything seems to be working perfectly!
> I'm sure more packages need to be cleaned up, and maybe some
> of those didn't NEED to be touched, but hopefully this will be helpful
> to others who run in to this.... or people trying to help others who have
> a similar problem.  --- CHECK FOR PACKAGE CONFLICTS !!!
> thanks again,
> David

Hi David. Having followed this thread and seen your problems, the one thing I 
would suggest is only using on a regular basis, one repository. Having 
experienced doing an apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrade when having more than one 
repo available, and consequently having problems, I think the one repo option 
is the way to go. If you are using mainly planetccrma music apps, then 
perhaps it makes sense to use their repo. There's nothing wrong with having 
the other repo's available, but commented out in /etc/apt/sources.list. As 
there are apps, unrar from dag, for instance, that are not available from 
planetccrma, it is usefull to be able to see in synaptic what is available 
from these other repo's. I'm not knocking any of the repositories. But would 
suggest that you just use one, for your apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrades, so as 
to avoid any possible conflicts. If there is something specific that you are 
looking for, uncomment the other repo's, do an apt-get update, look in 
synaptic, and if it's there do an apt-get install for the package, then 
re-comment the repo's. My problem wasn't as bad as yours by the way. Nigel.

Axel. No offense to you, but mixing repo's do seem to create some problems 
from time to time.
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