[PlanetCCRMA] fc4 jamin problems

plutek plutek at infinity.net
Sat Feb 4 09:44:02 PST 2006

i've just switched from fc3 to fc4 (a clean install on a different
drive), and am observing something strange from jamin. i am getting a
stream of these errors whenever i play an
ardour session which has jamin on an insert:

(jamin:20903): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from
`GtkMeterScale' to `GtkRange'
(jamin:20903): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from `GtkMeter' to

i don't see the errors if i just start jamin's internal transport.

ardour-0.99-1 (nightly tarball from feb03)
kernel 2.6.14-1.1656_FC4

anybody know what's going on here? should i be concerned?


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