[PlanetCCRMA] Jack and KDE

Roy Vestal rvestal at trilug.org
Wed Apr 26 13:34:01 PDT 2006

 This kinda makes sense. I currently have an older SB16 card. I'm going 
to try turning OFF ARTS when I get home.

Nigel Henry wrote:

>On Wednesday 26 April 2006 18:13, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 09:20 -0400, Roy Vestal wrote:
>>>I'm getting an error starting Jack in my KDE environment. This is a new
>>>install/build of FC3 and I'm wondering if ARTS is turned on. I'm
>>>assuming this would be the cause of my Jack start errors. I believe the
>>>error is "jackd could not start hw:0 in use". At the time of this
>>>writing I am not able to get to the machine for the exact error.
>>>My question: Can ARTS be active and jackd still work or does it need to
>>>be off? I'm assuming off is the correct answer at this time.
>>Jack normally takes complete ownership of the sound card, all other
>>programs that use it have to be "off".
>>-- Fernando
>Hi Fernando. I've just tried to recreate this problem on 2 different machines 
>running FC3. The Arts sound server is running, I ran a live audio stream from 
>bbc.co.uk, using embedded realplayer in Firefox, and played a cd through KsCD 
>at the same time, and jackd started through qjackctl with no error messages. 
>That was with both the vanilla kernel-2.6.9-1.667 (with realtime unchecked, 
>otherwise you get an unrelated error message) , and with 
>With FC2 , and on the machine with Audigy2 soundblaster (emu10k1) there are no 
>problems. I can have the Arts server started, run a live audio stream, and 
>jackd will start with no errors. On the other machine with the Ensoniq 
>(ens1371), If I have a live audio stream running, jackd won't start, with the 
>hw0 is in use error. Likewise if I have the Arts server running.
>This is sort of sounding like a sound card problem with certain distro's. FC3 
>is ok, both with Audigy2 soundblaster (emu10k1), and Ensoniq (ens1371), but, 
>FC2 gives no errors with the machine with Audigy2 soundblaster, but gives 
>jackd errors (hw0 in use) on the machine with Ensoniq card.
>Roy. What is the soundcard on your machine?
>My machines:
>I-friend 1.3Ghz celeron, 1GB RAM, Audigy2 soundblaster sound card.
>Gateway 500, pentium 3 katmai, 256MB RAM, Ensoniq sound card (ens1371).
>Just another spanner in the works. Nigel.
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