[PlanetCCRMA] Noteedit keyboard problem

Mikko Harjula mikko.harjula at iki.fi
Sat Apr 22 15:10:01 PDT 2006

There seems to be a bug in the ccrma packaged version of Noteedit
2.8.0.  The keyboard input is broken, you can type text in all text
input forms but when entering notes the usual keyboard shortcuts don't
work.  This seems to be "[ Bug #6263 ] keyboard shorcut do not work" in

in the file noteedit/mainframewidget.cpp

replace the line
keys_ = new KAccel(this);
keys_ = new KAccel((QWidget*)this->parent());

It looks like 2.8.0 is the latest "stable" release and there is 2.8.1
beta dated March 27, 2006.  According to bug tracker this bug is not
yet assigned to anyone even though the fix is known.  However the fix
is included in the 2.8.1 beta source.

Mikko Harjula              puh. +358 3 318 1144
mikko.harjula at iki.fi       gsm  +358 40 778 6669

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