[PlanetCCRMA] Re: FC4 repository molasses-like

Dan Easley daneasley at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 12:05:02 PDT 2006

On 4/18/06, Dan Easley <daneasley at gmail.com> wrote:
> CCRMA's repository seems pretty amazingly slow right now.

As you likely guessed, the problem's on my end:

apparently, my laptop's onboard ethernet adapter runs at 10base with
CCRMA's kernel, but at 100base with the FC4 kernel.  the adapter is a
Broadcom Corporation BCM4401; the laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1150.

a suitable workaround personally is to simply boot into the stock
kernel when i need sane transfer speeds, which is actually fairly

please let me know if i should send this info to anyone else, or if
anyone wants more info; otherwise, i'll just leave this here in the
archives. :)

daneasley at gmail.com
dan at towndowner.com dan at burntpossum.com
http://towndowner.com http://burntpossum.com

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