[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora Core 4 Kernel Problem?

Daniel Skevington djis at uymail.com
Sun Apr 16 13:39:02 PDT 2006

> Hi Daniel. I can't say that I can help much, but there are couple of things
> you could check.
> 1. Did you follow the instructions for installing the low latency kernel?
> apt-get install planetccrma-core-edge
> or for dual processor machines, or with Pentium4 with hyperthreading enabled
> apt-get install planetccrma-core-edge-smp
> This package also installs a few additional packages, rtirq, and some Alsa
> stuff.
> 2. Either with "synaptic" or running, rpm -q -a --last , as user. Check to see
> if along with ccrma kernel-2.6.12-0.21.rdt.rhfc4.ccrma, you have
> kernel-module-alsa-2.6.12-0.21.rdt.rhfc4.ccrma.
> 3. On the command line as root, open a text editor, gedit, kwrite or
> something, and go to /boot/grub/grub.conf . Remove the stuff at the end of
> the ccrma kernel line. Something like "rhgb quiet" . Dont remove anything
> else, only backspace as far as the "/". The line should now end with
> LABEL=/     Doing this will display all the text at bootup.

Thanks Nigel,

I did follow the instructions for installing the kernel, and it works and
is installed as shown by what you suggested in your second point
(although that alsa package is actually listed as
kernel-module-alsa-2.6.12-0.21.rdt.rhfc4.ccrma-1.0.9b-1.rhfc4.ccrma, could
that have anything to do with it?)

Altering grub.conf doesn't really reveal much, as everything that is shown
on screen still succeeds, this time getting as far as setting 
localhost.localdomain (I think) and then hanging.

Anyone have any more ideas? I'm pretty stuck with this.



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