[PlanetCCRMA] Gnome vs. KDE - Operability within the confines of Planet CCRMA

Matt Marian matt1 at mtmm.ath.cx
Thu Apr 6 12:20:03 PDT 2006

Hi Roy,

no flame bait here either :-)
Strictly speaking from the practical side of being a user and not a 
developer. I have and do use both and even xfce4 . . I have not seen any 
problems using any one of them , as far as performance is concerned. 
Maybe I should say no perceptible issues. 
I have not googled this , but one would imagine studies out there 
documenting latency , memory allocation, cpu cycles, screen refresh etc 
of each desktop/window manager over the other.  I have encounted no 
issues using either. but that's just me and I could be wrong.
have fun & make music.

Roy Vestal wrote:

> Ok, first, this is not to start a flame war. I'm not asking personal 
> preference, but operability as it pertains to Planet CCRMA and the 
> software. Now with that out of the way....
> I'm a KDE user. However, I've noticed a lot of the GUI's in Planet 
> CCRMA seem to be more oriented, at least in the descriptions, toward 
> Gnome. Is there any benefit to using Gnome over KDE for Planet CCRMA, 
> other than just personal preference?
> TIA,
> Roy
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