[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Fedora Core 5 audio process...
blindman jones
erleichda at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 10:20:02 PDT 2006
this is the page so far...
I only changed Volentary Kernel Preemption (Desktop) to have a value
of N and Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop) say Y.
what will I have to do to be able to use -R with JACK as a normal user?
On 4/4/06, blindman jones <erleichda at gmail.com> wrote:
> I installed a partition with FC5 on it to try and get audio apps
> working. My goal is to get the programs that I use most going. I hope
> this might help Fernando and others who might want to do the same. I
> am hoping for a little guidance from the community... I will detail
> the process on a google page also.
> First, I am going to look at the current FC5 kernel,
> 2.6.16-1.2080_FC5, to see what patches need to be applied. Most of the
> documentation I can find is out of date.
> What I am curious to know, is what changes to PAM did Fernando do to
> FC4 and do I have to do the same for the FC5 version? Are there any
> other changes I will need to make just to get a base system ready to
> build audio apps?
> Once I have a kernel with realtime working, and made any changes to
> PAM etc... I will then begin to build JACK, Ardour, JAMin, Hydrogen.
> Will I need to mess with any other programs than the kernel & PAM?
> tia,
> --
> michael jones * erleichda archiving * usa
> shivering is the first step towards your destiny.....
michael jones * erleichda archiving * usa
shivering is the first step towards your destiny.....
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