[PlanetCCRMA] OpenMusic

andersvi at extern.uio.no andersvi at extern.uio.no
Mon Apr 3 13:45:01 PDT 2006

Has anyone tried running the windows-version under wine?  You
wont get it to run "native" in any recent linux.

OM's sources were opened somewhere around 2000, and a linux-port
soon came up.  Who dit the work then?  It used to work somewhere
until early FC2.

Unfortunately, work on the linux-version of OM stopped there, and
nobody updated it to modern platforms for some reason.  Out of
lack of interest?

The api is documented, and sources for recent versions of OM are
publicly available.  Everything is lisp, albeit with specialised
graphics-code.  If people are enough interested it shouldnt be
impossible to get it ported.

A person who knows much about the current state and possible
plans for OM is main developer Carlos Agon at IRCAM.  Try writing
to him or to the openmusic mailing-list.

If im right, they might be looking for alternatives to MCL, which
they have been stuck with for some license-reasons.

>>> "S" == Scott Amort <jsamort at rogers.com> writes:
S> Hi All,
S> I'm very interested in working with OpenMusic and see that an older
S> version (4.7.2) is available with PlanetCCRMA.  I believe the latest
S> commercial version is 5.0 (which is cross-platform, Windows/Mac but not
S> for linux).  Do you know if development is continuing on the open-source
S> version?  It looks like the last CVS commit on sourceforge was in Feb.
S> 2004, with the release of 4.7.2.  Does this version work with the latest
S> Fedora?
S> Thanks for any information.
S> Scott
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