[PlanetCCRMA] Newbie: can't get jackd to work

Carlos Pino pinojazz at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 14:33:02 PDT 2005

Mark Knecht escribió:

>>Where can I get the source if its not kernel.org?
>2.6.13 from kernel.org
>2.6.14-rc2 patch from kernel.org
>2.6.14-rc2-rt7 from Ingo Molnar's site:
>Patching is not too hard. I'll send you some instructions off line if you want.
  Hi,could you do it online,please?,or maybe you can cc to my. I'm very 
interesting in this procces.

  Muchas gracias
 Thank you very much.

 - - Carlos.

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