[PlanetCCRMA] Newbie: can't get jackd to work

Jeroen Baten jbaten at i2rs.nl
Fri Sep 30 10:59:02 PDT 2005

Marlk: thanks in advance for the effort.

Op vrijdag 30 september 2005 18:05, schreef Mark Knecht:
> Which kernel are you running?
> uname -a

[root at mas ~]# uname -a
Linux mas 2.6.10-2.1.ll.rhfc3.ccrma #1 Thu Dec 30 03:08:13 EST 2004 i686 
athlon i386 GNU/Linux
[root at mas ~]#

I know there is a 2.6.11 ccrma somewhere, but where?

> cat /proc interrupts

[root at mas ~]# cat /proc/interrupts
  0:   23886267    IO-APIC-edge  timer
  1:        671    IO-APIC-edge  i8042
  7:          2    IO-APIC-edge  parport0
  8:          1    IO-APIC-edge  rtc
  9:          0   IO-APIC-level  acpi
 12:      88450    IO-APIC-edge  i8042
 16:       4899   IO-APIC-level  eth0
 17:       3386   IO-APIC-level  snd_ca0106
 19:          2   IO-APIC-level  ohci1394
 20:     125167   IO-APIC-level  ohci_hcd
 21:          3   IO-APIC-level  ehci_hcd
 23:      19469   IO-APIC-level  libata, ohci_hcd
NMI:          0
LOC:   23886833
ERR:          0
MIS:          0
[root at mas ~]#

> cat /proc/asound/cards

[root at mas ~]# cat /proc/asound/cards
0 [CA0106         ]: CA0106 - CA0106
                     Live! 7.1 24bit [SB0410] at 0xbc00 irq 17
1 [M2x2           ]: USB-Audio - Midisport 2x2
                     Midiman Midisport 2x2 at usb-0000:00:02.0-2, full speed
[root at mas ~]#

> How are you startting Jack? In a terminal or using QJackCtl?


> - Mark
> On 9/30/05, Jeroen Baten <jbaten at i2rs.nl> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I did a lot of googling but still no joy.
> > I have a working Rosegarden but would also like tot work with Muse.
> > For muse it needs jackd and there lies the problem.
> > -it starts, gives a lot of xruns and next a broken pipe.
> > -I tried with/without realtime, different frame sizes. Nothing seems to
> > help -my system is a fc3 with a SB live 7.1 oem card.
> >
> > What could be the cause of my problems?
> >
> > kind regards,
> >
> >
> > --
> >   Jeroen Baten            | EMAIL :  JBATEN at I2RS.NL
> >  ____  _  __              | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
> >
> >   |  )|_)(_               | tel   :  +31 (0)499 477 688
> >
> >  _|_/_| \__)              | fax   :  +31 (0)499 476 804
> > Roerlaan 36, 5691 HJ, Son, the Netherlands
> >
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  Jeroen Baten            | EMAIL :  JBATEN at I2RS.NL
 ____  _  __              | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
  |  )|_)(_               | tel   :  +31 (0)499 477 688
 _|_/_| \__)              | fax   :  +31 (0)499 476 804
Roerlaan 36, 5691 HJ, Son, the Netherlands

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