[PlanetCCRMA] Apt-get dist-upgrade errors

Michael T D Nelson m_nels at gmx.net
Sun Sep 25 07:04:01 PDT 2005

Hi all,

I'm having difficulties with apt at the moment.

I switch to root. Then, I run 'apt-get update'. All good so far.

Now, I run 'apt-get dist-upgrade', which has worked well for me until 
the last week or two.

Now, after downloading all of the updates (quite a lot this time round - 
about 75Mb), I get the following messages:

"file /usr/bin/sweep from install of lam-7.1.1-7.FC3 conflicts with file 
from package sweep-0.8.3-2.rhfc3.ccrma

file /usr/share/man/man1/sweep.1.gz from install of lam-7.1.1-7.FC3 
conflicts with file from package sweep-0.8.3-2.rhfc3.ccrma

E: Error whilst running transaction"

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or what has gone wrong?

Michael Nelson

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