Benjamin Hardy
dcb at netflash.net
Thu Sep 22 18:35:02 PDT 2005
Hey, I just started using it now. I was using yumex for a bit and decided to
try this. I have been naughty and have been mixing planet ccrma repo with
livna, extras, and kde-redhat to get the latest kde rpms. I've been running
into trouble though usually if I accidently update to a divx4linux package
from planet ccrma and all my other non rpm forge stuff doesn't like it , so I
can't watch movies. A pain, I almost feel like switching to Debian. I think
I'll switch everything to rpmforge and get a few packages from kde-redhat
(amarok, digikam, etc) but I think alot of those depend on stuff in extras
and livna repos. I'm very cross about this now.
Anyways, David - do you find any notable advantages in using yum or apt with
smart? I mean, would a yum repo be more favourable than an apt, or vice
versa? I'm definately noticing a speed difference with using apt repos.
I also like how smart can use the kde theme when launched in kde (is that
because of gtkpy?)
On September 19, 2005 04:56 am, David Fraser wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> Just wanted to say I've been using the Smart Package Manager
> (smartpm.org) on top of Fedora Core 4 with PlanetCCRMA.
> It's working nicely because I can include yum package repositories as
> well as CCRMA's apt repository, and update from all of them in a sane way
> Cheers
> David
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