[PlanetCCRMA] Re: CCRMA-specific SC3 tutorial?

jonathan segel jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com
Tue Sep 20 00:37:01 PDT 2005

the only thing that's really newer than the tutorial, in a glance, is  
that SC now is using scons to build and install, which is supposedly  
also taking care of the need for .sclang.cfg and .sclang.sc files ( i  
a problem i have noticed with the planetccrma vs. scons SC  
installation is that it will not find libsndfile where it lives  
despite the PKG_CONFIG_PATH setting in .bashrc. i had to manually  
move it.

in emacs-sclang m-x sclang-customize will allow you to set which  
directories are to be searched for synthdefs and help and whatnot.

second, i highly recommend the SCUM windowing packages from Stefan  
Kersten, who did the majority (if not all?) of the work in making the  
emacs-sclang interface.
--although it's in the middle of a redevelopment where the gui is  
actually called through a server itself, (the SCUMserver..  i don't  
know why he called it that) so not everything is working, though most  
normal sliders and buttons do. menus don't seem to yet...
         Jonathan Segel  --  4014 Brookdale Ave. Oakland, CA 94619
                 MAGNETIC -- http://www.MagneticMotorworks.com

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