[PlanetCCRMA] apt-get dist-upgrade prob on FC3

nigel henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Sat Sep 17 17:00:02 PDT 2005

On Saturday 17 Sep 2005 11:45 pm, Tracey Hytry wrote:
> nigel wrote:
> > Right. Go for it. Now apt-get dist-upgrade runs ok and installs the rest
> > of the packages, boots out my just installed kdevelop (that took an hour
> > on dial-up to DL) and also removes libtool.
> I saw your 1st post early this morning before I went to bed, but I felt I
> was too out of it to post a reply here.
> First, don't worry about those two files having to get tossed when you
> finish the upgrades.  Fedora did a few things with gcc and those two files
> get in the way of the C++ preproccessor(if I remeber correctly).  I'm glad
> that apt took care of that properly for you.
> It seems that you are figuring out some of the problems you had.  Telling
> apt to do things in steps seems to help sort things out a lot.
> I'm not sure what all of the errors of not enough memory to download was
> about.  It did seem a lot like what happens when a /var partition gets
> full, but you checked the disks and they had room.  I remember seeing some
> configuration stuff about apt and downloads/memory one time while reading
> through the docs, but it all seems to work here with no modifications.
> Lastly, if you need to selectively edit (out and back in) the repositories;
>  be sure to use comments with the /etc/apt/sources.list file (where the
> pointers to the edge kernels sometime live), and be sure to check the files
> in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ (especially checking that the things in
> "planetccrma.list" are the only repos on during upgrading if needed).
> You seem to be doing well, hope it all works out for you.
> Tracey.

Hi Tracey. Thanks for the support. I found when upgrading Debian Woody to 
Sarge it was better to do an upgrade first followed by a dist-upgrade. It 
just seems there are too many changes to be made in doing the whole upgrade 
in one go. Even then with Debian I had to finish it off in text mode as it 
wanted to shut down the desktop and X server. Gentoo seems to be able to 
handle that problem ok, and I was able to do the upgrade from KDE 3.3 to 3.4 
with no problems running the GUI. And as regards uncommented repos. I've 
suffered the consequences of that one. Saw a few updates and thought the 
planet had missed em. Went for it, one was an apt upgrade, and screwed the 
sources.list. Once bitten! No ones knocking the other repos, theres often 
stuff you can't get from other places, but as you say. Uncomment, get what 
you want, then recomment. All the best. Nigel.
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