[PlanetCCRMA] troubles with PlanetCCRMA and RME Digiface
Anders Vinjar
andersvi at extern.uio.no
Fri Sep 9 07:48:00 PDT 2005
>>> "a" == andersvi <andersvi at extern.uio.no> writes:
a> Tried using amixer to set the various sync-sources, internal,
a> ADAT-1,2,3 without improving anything, (apart from one crash of
a> all sound when setting "Passthru" to "on").
A strange thing. One of the controls listed from "amixer
controls" is:
numid=10,iface=PCM,name='IEC958 Sample Rate'
- however, its listed as write-protected, and im not able to
specify anything to this control using "amixer cset numid=10
44100" or any such.
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