[PlanetCCRMA] Recording problem

Ron Pepper feffer777 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 3 19:14:02 PDT 2005

-- blindman jones <erleichda at gmail.com> wrote:

> Have you tried this?
> http://streamripper.sourceforge.net/
> Streamtuner uses Streamripper also,
> http://www.nongnu.org/streamtuner/
> Also, I have found that making my own .m3u file with multiple lines
> of
> the same stream will cause the stream to reload itself in the event
> of
> a broken stream.
> i make a file mystream.m3u that has this in it...
> http://somestreamsite.com:8080/playlistlocation
> http://somestreamsite.com:8080/playlistlocation
> http://somestreamsite.com:8080/playlistlocation
> http://somestreamsite.com:8080/playlistlocation
> http://somestreamsite.com:8080/playlistlocation
> http://somestreamsite.com:8080/playlistlocation
> the reason i don't have a more technical answer, is that is what
> works
> for me... hope it works for you too.
> be well,
> mjr

Thank you very much! I installed Streamtuner and Streamripper, and
this is exactly the combination I've been looking for. I made an .m3u
file with the stream I want to record, but I'm not sure how to use it
in Streamtuner. The "Record" function works for normal streams, but
fails with my .m3u. How do you get your .m3u list to record? 

Also, I noticed that Streamtuner creates a new directory in my home
directory for each different stream that's recorded. Any way to get
it to save to a particular folder of my choice?


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