[PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA vs the mainstream

Jeff Farr moogah at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 13:07:01 PDT 2005

As a new user to both linux and planet this thread has captured my thought
process exactly. Two points in particular: The standalone replacement for
the type of DAW's that are available on the other platforms; so far I've
found muse/ardour/rosegarden to be good programs, but still lacking the
finesse of the big apps. Snd and rezsound are solid apps as well, Snd
seeming to be the better of the two, but it still doesn't quite match up
with SoundForge. Second: exactly what mark has said, the fragmentation of
the linux community in general is, by far, the biggest headache in my
migration from windows. I would consider a unified journal or blog of sorts
ESSENTIAL to the progression of the community. One look at the list of
programs currently packaged with planet underlines this point. Soo many
programs, soo much overlapping of features and still no one program that can
do it all. What we need is a global requirement sheet that provides
framework for linux as a genuine pro-level audio platform covering
specifications for individual apps, OS performance and hardware
compatibility and entire turnkey packages like PlanetCCRMA
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