[PlanetCCRMA] dssi problems
Nigel Henry
cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Fri Oct 14 10:55:01 PDT 2005
On Friday 14 October 2005 13:39, Nigel Henry wrote:
> On Friday 14 October 2005 15:33, Jamie Bullock wrote:
> > Hi Nigel,
> >
> > On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 12:40 +0000, Nigel Henry wrote:
> > <snip>
> >
> > > jack-dssi-host: hexter/hexter/chan00 program 2 is MIDI bank 0 program
> > > 2, named 'FatThinE.P'
> > > jack-dssi-host: hexter/hexter/chan00 program 1 is MIDI bank 0 program
> > > 1, named 'FB:PfVibe '
> > > jack-dssi-host: hexter/hexter/chan00 program 0 is MIDI bank 0 program
> > > 0, named 'Elec Piano'
> > >
> > > jack-dssi-host: OSC URL is:
> > > osc.udp://localhost.localdomain:19435/dssi/hexter/hexter/chan00
> > >
> > > checking hexter_gtk against hexter
> > > jack-dssi-host: trying to execute GUI at
> > > "/usr/lib/dssi/hexter/hexter_gtk" hexter_gtk starting (pid 4525)...
> > > host: Ready
> > > jack-dssi-host: OSC: got update request from
> > > <osc.udp://localhost.localdomain:19436/dssi/hexter/hexter/chan00>
> > > jack-dssi-host: OSC: hexter/hexter/chan00 setting bank 0, program 4,
> > > name E.PIANO 3
> > > jack-dssi-host: OSC: got midi request for hexter/hexter/chan00 (00 90
> > > 3c 54) jack-dssi-host: OSC: got midi request for hexter/hexter/chan00
> > > (00 80 3c 40)
> >
> > All of this looks fine.
> >
> > > The last two lines are where I tried the test buttom, but nothing
> > > showing when I press keys on the usb midi keyboard. There clearly is a
> > > connection from the keyboard to the app as I can change programs. Now I
> > > wasn't sure whether I needed a soundfont loaded into the Audigy2
> > > soundblaster for these dssi plugins to work, so I loaded a soundfont,
> > > but no change. Then I started Rosegarden as the soundfont was already
> > > loaded, selected hextor as a plugin, and it works. I would imagine now
> > > though, that it's going through Rosegarden and using the soundfont I
> > > loaded onto the soundcard. Mystified. Nigel.
> >
> > Yes you are right, the Audigy native soundfont support is absolutely
> > nothing to do with DSSI. A couple more things you could try:
> >
> > 1. Install the dssi-devel package if you don't already have it, and try
> > running trivial_synth.so and less_trivial_synth.so. They are both
> > extremely simple, so it might be worth seeing what they do.
> >
> > 2. I would be interested to see if my DSSI host for PD works on your
> > system. You can get it from http://www.puredata.org/Members/jb. It is
> > still under development, and I would only bother if you already know a
> > little PD.
> >
> > Incidentally does LADSPA work on your system?
> >
> > Jamie
> Hi Jamie. I'll try trivial_synth, but just a bit of an update. I'd botched
> the syntax for starting fluidsynth, forgetting to put fluidsynth-dssi to
> run it. Got that up, and it asked for a soundfont, so I put the same one in
> it that's loaded into the soundcard, and this does work ok. Test sound
> works, and keyboard plays ok. Both Hextor and Xsynth show they have sounds
> installed, but don't play them. I've DL'd some dx7 patches for Hextor. I
> think I'll import them and see if they will play. LADSPA and all of it's
> plugins are installed, but I can't remember using them up to now. It was
> enough of a hassle getting to record something on Rosegarden without adding
> effects to it. I know absolutely nothing about PD, but will certainly look
> at it. Thanks for the help. Nigel.
Hi Jamie. Another update on this. Tried trivial_synth, still no sounds and
extremely confused, so I opened the audio connections in qjackctl, and
extended alsa_pcm to left and right channels. Only Playback_1 was connected.
I connected trivial_synth to playback_2 as well and now have sounds from all
DSSI plugins. I don't know if to feel an idiot or what. Just having tried
zynaddsubfx again to see how this works in qjackctl's audio connections, I
get this. If I disconnect playback_2 I lose all sound. Now I presume that
zynaddsubfx's out_1 and out_2 are left and right channels respectively, and
that alsa_pcm's playback_1 and playback_2 are also left and right channels.
Zynaddsubfx is set up as follows.
out_1 goes to playback_1 and Playback_2
out_2 goes only to playback_2
Having discovered this, looking at alsamixer, the master volume control shows
just one channel, whereas PCM shows left and right channels. Me thinks, there
may be some problem with the soundcard config, also thinking back. From time
to time when looking at alsamixer some controls always seemed to have just
one channel showing at a certain level, and the other one at zero. Not
thinking too much about it I reduced the control to zero and increased it so
that both channels were showing the same. But obviously if there is some
soundcard problem this was having no effect. I think the next stop is going
to be the alsa user list. I thank you for all your help, its pushed me to
discover the problem, and is solved, apart from a possible souncard problem.
The thing is, I play my sounds through a DJ mixer into a big sound system,
and it's not too easy to get a good left and right sound separation, so
possibly, and I'm quite annoyed about it, have only been getting mono sounds.
Never mind, mono's all we had in the early 60's. Thanks for the help Jamie.
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