[PlanetCCRMA] FC4 question

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Mon Oct 10 09:09:01 PDT 2005

On Monday 10 October 2005 13:14, Item State wrote:
> hello,
> i'm new to the list and quite new to linux, forgive me
> if my questions are malformed. we have recently set up
> a computer with fedora core 4. i understand that
> planet ccrma officially supports only fc3, but i see
> that a lot of rpms are available also for fc4.
> i have successfully installed jack, supercollider, pd,
> ardour, and get sound out of a hammerfall dsp. however
> especially with supercollider, there are drop-outs
> when i move a window or hectically move the mouse, so
> i guess that's because we are not running jack in the
> proper realtime thread (i'm using a "normal" user
> account). i understand that there are kernel patches
> which allows one to run jack and supercollider in a
> higher priority thread that should prevent "xruns" in
> jack.
> now i'm using "yum" to install rpms. for example "yum
> install ardour" works totally fine. only i don't find
> a package for "yum install planetccrma-core" (which as
> far as i understand installs the improved realtime
> kernel patches). i've seen an archived mail that
> suggests to use a package "planetccrma-core-edge"
> instead. is that what we shall do?
> thanks a lot for your help + thanks especially for
> providing this excellent rpm service!
> best, -sciss-

Hi. I can only advise about FC3 (5 days of DL's on dialup for the FC3 iso's 
means I have to psych myself up a bit to go for FC4). With FC3 using apt, 
apt-get install planetccrma-core gets you 6 packages, as below.
Then I got with, apt-get install planetccrma-core-edge , another kernel,

I'm not sure if you just go for yum install planetccrma-core-edge , that you 
will also get the other packages.

You could always install them individually I suppose, using.
Yum install rtirq rtload alsa-oss alsa-tools alsa-firmware. 
Why you can't get with yum, planetccrma-core, I don't know. Sorry I can't be 
of more help. Incidentally I'm just about psyched up enough to get the FC4 
iso's. All the best. Nigel.

ps: I'm not knocking yum, but I suppose you could install apt. It might make 
it easier.
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